
The 400 yard targets
First trap shoot of 2020 with Daryl Buhr
2020 Banquet/Fundraiser at the Putnam Centennial Center.
Speed Steel Challenge Shoot, October 2019
Master Painters, Larry, Steve, and Cindy (hiding?) 
Final duty for the State RCO Grant.
President Brad Coffey grilling the burgers.
Ready for the garage door on the new meeting room/storage facility

2019 Kid’s Fishing Derby at Lavender Lake
The Heyer boys get hugs from Smokey Bear
Club Secretary Cindy Rogers with 2019 Fishing derby prizes
8 rifle shooting benches

Overview from rifle range berm

Framing up the front of the new “multi-purpose room

Nicely finished floor inside

New backstops at 300 and 400 yard targets

Challenge targets at the 300 yard

Rifle Racks built by Doug and Larry – Aug 2018

NFA (Nat’l Firearms Act) Sunday hosted by Board Member Brad Coffey, Aug. 2018.

Club Director Brad Coffey takes aim on NFA Sunday

rifle shed with ADA parking

Pistol shed with ADA parking

Pistol range with ADA ramp and pathway

Safety Baffle Crew: Back: Brad Coffey, Dan Pensula, Rick Vaughn, Brad Rorem Front: Larry Haywood (VP), Randy Fischer, Bill Loder

Baffles designed to keep projectiles down on the target range

From shooting benches – No Blue Sky

From berm looking downrange toward 225 yd targets

2018 Banquet – Sold Out Crowd


New sliding doors on the pistol sheds

Pistol Range is now accessible

Steve Houle and crew move mud after cement truck sinks.

Finish work at the archery sheds

Newly installed sound muffling tiles inside rifle shed

Range Safety Officer, Doug Sargent, is installing a “cease fire” warning system for the rifle shed, Aug. 2017

Ed, Ward, and Mark moving sand

Mark, Steve, Larry, and Jim on Pistol range berm

New benches at shooting tables – June 2017

Lead Instructor Trevin Roletto describes use of a shotgun

        Jerry, Dan, and WDFW Crew dealing with Milfoil at Lavender Lake prior to 2017 Kid’s Fishing Derby

Joe, Steve N, Steve R, and Mark at 2017 banquet

Chef Frank prepares a feast for the 2017 banquet

    2017 Banquet/auction at the Putnam Centennial Center

The big catch of the day at Lavender Lake





Bitterbrush planting crew, Sept 2016. Trying to reestablish deer habitat after the Taylor Bridge Fire.




Dick Wolf moving dirt


2015 Infamous Flare Gun Fire

Fishing Derby Fun


Past President Duane Fluent and Past Secretary Steve Tyler. Both gone but not forgotten.

(top) Secretary Cindy Rogers and Treasurer Rita Thurston ready for the banquet. (Bottom) The Essman and Cruse families ready to eat!.

Upper Kittitas County Fish & Wildlife Officer Corey Peterson addresses Hunter Education class at the range.

Club President and Hunter Ed Instructor Mark Bennett explains handgun safety.

New resident at the end of the rifle range.