RANGE: Work party this Saturday, July 11th. We decided to start at 7 am to beat some of the heat. There are plenty of projects and the more “workers” the quicker it goes. We had a load of sand brought in this morning and we’ll be moving some of it for the backstops, spreading more gravel, weed eating and mowing, planting a new tri-pod target at the 300 yard spot, and general clean up. After work we will hold the first “Mike Cox Potluck/BBQ”, since it was his idea. Burgers n dogs and whatever members may bring for sides, like salads and desserts. (I’m bringing a pot of baked beans). We’ll have coffee and water – remember, no alcohol allowed at the range. After lunch we can have a .22 rifle “fun shoot” – open sights only. BYO.22. Winner takes pot.
For the work party bring gloves and a hat (sun), a shovel and/or rake. We will have some water but bring plenty for yourself. Maybe a few could bring a wheelbarrow. I’ll have a generator if we need to drill anything (and for coffee).
We did get word that the RCO (State) will give final approval for grants this month. A little birdie, who happens to be on the Board, said the money is there and we will surely get what we asked for. As soon as that happens we will start planning and working on the improvements (pathways, parking pads, covered shooting stations).
WEBSITE: It’s up and running. Go to: www.cascadefieldandstream.com – It is pretty bare bones so far and the pictures at this time have nothing to do with the Field & Stream Club. There is a Contact Page where people can send a message/ask questions. It will go via Gmail to me at steve@cascadefieldandstream.com – I will monitor that on a daily basis, unless I go fishing, and I ask that no jokes, stories, etc. go on there. Also, we will be updating our Facebook page soon.
MISC: The next Hunter Education class starts on July 20th and the range will be closed Saturday 25th from 8 am to about 2 pm. If there are any parents interested in becoming an instructor please get ahold of our Chief Instructor, Trevin Roletto at 253-569-1008 in South Cle Elum, or Aaron Garcia in Yakima at 509-575-2740. Sign up for classes on-line at: www.wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/hunter education.
Future range closures: August 22nd, 8 to 2 for Hunter Education class
August 29th, 9 am to noon for 4-H .22 shoot (rifle range only)
We know the gate lock system is a major pain. We are discussing alternatives, including solar. Be patient. Remember, when re-locking the lock be sure to spin the numbers so the combo is not still showing.
For sale: Bill Loder has a rubberized rifle stock for a Winchester Model 70 Long case rifle. It is brand new and he only wants $25. Reply to me here or via the contact page on the website, and I’ll get you together with Bill.
Steve Rogers, V.P.